Weltkrieg, 1914
QAR: Quick Armor Rules, North Africa
Der Tag, 1916 2nd Ed.
Gunfight at O.K. Corral, Advanced Ed.
Weltkrieg, 1914: Great War in Europe is a solitaire game simulating the opening six weeks of World War I, at the grand strategic level. The player takes the German side in the game, and distributes his armies among the main theaters of the war to make attacks and advances to bring about the end of the war quickly, hopefully with favorable results. The object of the game is, through your application and manipulation of military assets, to get enough Victory Points to win the game, and the war. Setting: National armies are mobilizing across Europe. Britain stands ready to enter the war if Belgian neutrality is violated. You, in the role of Germany--you cannot rely too strongly on your Austrian friends--must put your war plans into action, in search of a quick victory “before the leaves fall.”
What is the best way for Germany to achieve its goals? An extended two-front conflict must be avoided. The traditional view is the Schlieffen plan's "strong right wing" sweeping through Belgium held the best chance at success. Moltke's diluted this plan what what led to German's failure to win quickly... and ultimately lose the war. Is this true, or are there other promising approaches to success? The game was designed to assist players to examine and answer that question. It uses abstract mechanics (drawing cards, rolling dice) that interplay with your overall strategy to determine how effective your advances (or defenses) are. This ease of play ensures high playability, combined with a short playing time, thus encouraging experimentation and inquiry. This is an ambitious design, attempting to distill and represent the main factors of the first two months of the war on all fronts in a format that is easily playable in an evening. This means that playing Weltkrieg, 1914 will require an appreciation of abstraction. The map is strategic in nature, emphasizing placement rather than tactical maneuver. Your task, in the role of the German high command, is to implement a plan from the grand strategic standpoint. How you allot troops and how you deal with success and dailure to achieve their goals are your concern, not tactical or maneuver questions about how this or that corps or division moves or attacks. In fact, only Germany has moveable counters; allied (and Austrian) forces are part of the game system itself.
The goals of Weltkrieg, 1914 are several. Playing the game should enlighten players who may not be familiar with the initial phase of World War I; the design illustrates the flow of events that are recognizable, and bloom in a believable manner. While literally almost anything can happen in the game, it is set up to unfold in authentic ways, depending on the strategy employed, historical happenstance, and the vagaries of war. It is meant to provide an authentic “war college” feel that is straightforward enough to be played repeatedly, allowing gamers to test various strategies, and arrive at what they think is the best, most advantageous plan to employ. It

Quick Armor Rules: North Africa (QAR) is a two-player tabletop miniatures game of World War II tank warfare set in North Africa between British and Axis forces. With a short set of rules and the enclosed unit counters, players will be ready to play quickly. QAR is a “tank versus tank” wargame; no infantry is included. Its setting is in the flat North African desert during the early years of World War II, 1940-42. Scenarios cover engagements in the desert war from 1940-1942, between British and Axis (German and Italian) forces.
QAR is an 86-page miniatures rules set that includes scale unit counters, each representing a single AFV (tanks or other armored vehicle) or anti-tank (AT) gun, in addition to rules and tables. Note that the counters need to scanned and printed prior to play, or you can use your own scale miniatures. Players will need two six-sided dice, and a ruler or tape measure marked in millimeters (mm) for play. In QAR, each mm on the tabletop equals two meters in real life, and each turn equals a fluid amount of time of approximately 45 to 75 seconds of real time. Each unit counter represents one tank, weapon, or vehicle. Counter silhouettes are rendered in larger scale but relative to one another. Units are rated for main gun (or guns, in the Grant's case), armor, speed, reliability, ammunition carried, repeat fire capability.
Game play uses a standard "move -- fight" sequence common to many rule sets, along with a "To Hit" and (if a Hit is achielved) a "To Eliminate" sequence for resolving fire. The firing gun, the target's armor, and range are the most important factors in resolving combat between individual units. The game was designed to be very playable, with straight-forward mechanics that are easily memorized. That means you can play without constant checking of the rules, or having to deal with long lists of dice-roll modifiers, allowing you to focus on the battle itself. Typical scenarios involve 15 to 25 units in play overall (though some are larger and some smaller).
QAR was designed as an introductory system reflecting the desert war in North Africa, directed at newcomers to the hobby, as well as veterans who appreciate a fun, quick playing set of rules. Despite the emphasis on playability, the game provides an authentic feel as well, as QAR players will readily be able to see what tanks are superior, which ones are of dubious worth, will be able to appreciate the difference between a regular 50mm and a 50mm Long gun, and will, no doubt, be able to see why the British were anxious when facing a German 88 Flak on the battlefield.
German: PzIIIh, PzIIIj, Marder, PzIVe, 251/1 halftrack, PAK 28/20, PAK 38, 88 Flak, truck.
Italian: M11/39, M13/40, Semovente, Breda 47, truck.
British: Matilda II, Stuart, Crusader II, Grant, Valentine II, Bren carrier, 2 pdr., 6 pdr., 25 pdr., truck.
Players: Solitaire boardgame
Scale: 1 turn equals 3 days
Turns: 13 (August 14-September 21, 1914)
Counters: one unit typically represents one corps
Map: East & West front areas/boxes
Complexity: Low
Playing time: 90 minutes
QAR: Quick Armor Rules, North Africa
Players: Two player miniatures game
Scale: 1 turn equals 45 to 75 seconds
Counters: one unit represents one tank or AT gun
Playing area: Table top or floor, 1 mm = 2 meters actual range
Complexity: Low
Playing time: 30 to 90 minutes, depending on scenario
Each of these game is available in physical book format, PDF format, or both (via combo specials)
The Weltkrieg, 1914 system is atypical from traditional wargames. At the start of the war, the Germans held the initiative, with the allies largely reacting to German moves. So in this solo game, the player commands the German side. The game is typical of Minden designs, as it emphasizes high playability and authenticity. But the design is bold and attempts a lot, simulating all fronts of the first several weeks of the war, with the necessary chrome and strategic options embeded with simple mechanics. But it accomplishes what we've asked of it, and we trust you'll agree. NOTE: In October 2024, we revised the cover slightly, adding the "Great War in Europe" subtitle, to facilitate online searches for the book. This affects the hardcopy cover only; the game and PDF have not be changed or revised at all.
QAR is a greatly expanded version of a design originally published in Panzerschreck. If you own the original, you will no doubt be pleased with all this new game provides (expanded rules, expanded counters, expanded scenarios, professional book format, etc.). If you are new to the system but enjoy tactical WW2 tank combat, you'll also enjoy what QAR offers.
Der Tag, 1916 2nd ed. is Minden’s solitaire, strategic level World War I naval combat game covering the North Sea Campaign. It is a book that contains the instructions and components for a strategic level, solitaire game simulating the World War I naval campaign in the North Sea. The gamer is cast in the role of the British fleet, and must contend with the German fleet, which is guided by the game system. The setting for the game is roughly the middle period of the Great War, sometime in 1915 through sometime in 1916, without presuming that Dogger Bank nor Jutland will occur, and running for four, essentially long seasonal, turns. Victory is determined after four turns.
Der Tag, 1916 emphasizes high playability combined with authentic historicity to produce a game that plays quickly but retains a strong historical narrative. This 2nd edition retains the game system as the version published in Panzerschreck. However, it includes additional optional rules, optional additional Action Cards, and is in book format for the first time.
The game comes with ship counters, Strategic Map, Action Cards, and rules. The player controls the British side, while the game system controls the German side. Game turns represent a variable amount of real time, from a month to several months. You must scan and assemble game components before play. Physical game components are available for purchase separately.
Ship counters are individually named and are differentiated by ship type, and nationality: BB+ = second-generation dreadnought battleship; BB = dreadnought battleship; BC = battlecruiser; B = pre-dreadnought battleship; AC = armored cruiser. Ship ratings are assigned by ship type; ship names are provided for historical flavor, but have no bearing on play. Map areas (North, Central, South) contain various naval bases and locations. The game lasts four game turns. The side with the most Victory Points (VP) at the end of play wins. VP are awarded for sinking enemy ships, and for certain Action Card results. Playing time is around 90 minutes.
Object of the game: The game is meant to illustrate in broad strokes the strategic situation, and allow you to appreciate developing events and potential battles in the North Sea. In that sense, it is an experience game, where you place the British ships and watch events unfold. The game plays quickly enough that players can employ different strategies in the quest for victory, so gamers, theorists, and designers can benefit from examining and employing it in helpful ways.
“Der Tag” is German meaning “The Day”, reportedly used as an after dinner toast to the day when the German Navy would test its mettle in battle against the Royal Navy.
If you own the 1st edition, should you purchase this new edition? It depends. The game system is the same, so it would not be necessary for you to upgrade, unless you want the latest optional rules and format. That said, if you enjoyed the 1st edition, you would most probably appreciate this 2nd edition and see it a worthy addition to your collection.
Der Tag, 1916, 2nd edition
Players: Solitaire boardgame
Scale: seasonal turns
Counters: one unit represents one capital ship
Map: Area/zones in the North Sea
Complexity: Low
Playing time: 60 to 90 minutes
Gunfight at O.K. Corral, Advanced Edition
Players: Solitaire (with two-player option) game
Scale: seasonal turns
Counters: one counter represents one man
Playing area: Table top
Complexity: Low
Playing time: 15 to 30 minutes, depending on scenario
Gunfight at O.K. Corral, Advanced Edition is a solitaire game covering Old West gunfights and conflicts, using historical gunfighters who are authentically rated in a variety of categories. This new edition expands upon the original, containing additional rules and men, while retaining the historic Gunfight at O.K. Corral (October 26, 1881) as its main scenario.
The game is essentially a very tactical, man-on-man “30 shots in 30 seconds” sort of simulation. The focus of the standard game is the famous gunfight occurring in Tombstone between the Earps and the Clantons in 1881. The Advanced Optional section of the book is a greatly expanded part that contains over 30 new historical gunfighter counters (in addition to the 12 of the O.K. Corral scenario), plus an array of “bystander” non-player characters, and new rule options. Finally, we’ve added a Fantasy Supplement, which allows you to follow the exploits of many individuals drawn from famous television westerns of the 1960s. (We term it “fantasy” because some of the ratings and abilities of these gunfighters are near superhuman, which have the potential of providing a great deal of fun.)
All gunfighters are authentically rated in a variety of areas (gun accuracy, experience, morale, gun speed, and "intangibles), and include lawmen and outlaws. A variety of scenarios are provided (High Noon Shootout, Ambush, Long Branch Saloon Shootout, etc.) and you can easily create your own. The game system uses a standard deck of 52 cards (which you supply) and a couple six-sided dice. Games are fast and furious, as old west shootouts tended to be.
Solitaire gaming is very popular among players and there is room in the hobby for good, highly playable historical simulations, especially those that are specifically designed for solo play. We offer this solitaire game that provides historically based situations that are easy to get into and relatively quick to play. The handy book format is ideal for lunch time play or business trips. With an imaginative “theater of the mind” perspective, the possibilities for enjoyment are indeed great. Have fun with what this volumes affords. If you enjoyed the original editon of this game from Panzerschreck, are a fan of the old west (or the portrayal of it on TV), or simply enjoy quick playing historical games, you'll enjoy what this book has to offer.
Historical Gunfighters included in this new edition: Clay Allison, John Armstrong, Sam Bass, Billy the Kid, Frank Canton, Butch Cassidy, Ned Christie, Billy Clairborne, Billy Clanton, Ike Clanton, Bob Dalton, Grat Dalton, Bill Doolin, Morgan Earp, Virgil Earp, Warren Earp, Wyatt Earp,Wes Fuller, Pat Garrett, Jim Gillett, John Wesley Hardin, Wild Bill Hickock, Doc Holiday, Tom Horn, Frank James, Jesse James, Bat Masterson, Jim Masterson, Frank McLaury, Tom McLaury, Bill MIner, Print Olive, Bass Reeves, Johnny Ringo, John Selman, Sr., Jack Slade, Tom Smith, Sundance Kid, Heck Thomas, Ben Thompson, Bill Tighman, Ben Wheeler.
When you add the array of "bystanders" and the television heroes from 60's television, you have many options for a myriad of scenarios that enable you to vicariously experience old west gunfights in a highly playable and authentic game. NOTE: Owners of the original edition may purchase a PDF Upgrade (below), that includes all the new material of the Adv. Ed., but no core rules. You must own the original edition to use the Upgrade.
Look for special COMBO SPECIALS below.